Tuesday, September 18, 2012

DR Trip Pics, con'td.

I'm hoping I can get photos to upload today...yesterday, not so much :(. Sun-bathing. How cute is this little diva?
And this was typical Gia bug...when she wasn't on MY hip, haha!
With their great granparents :)
This is the cabin...and the beautiful setting we got to enjoy for days :)
Gavin loved jumping in the pool!
The guys at the clubhouse
Yay! For a couple family shots! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the bottom photo! Love your outfit. That one of you and Nelson is great too!You should frame that one of you all in the pool and put it in your bathroom or something. I have enjoyed these DR posts. Makes me want to go. Too bad my grandparents just live in Sand Gap :(
