Gavin, today you say your are spiderman...I'm not sure what this means to you, because I'm not sure that you've ever seen anything spiderman. But, with that said, you notice things that sometimes I don't even catch on to you. And you remember everything!!! So, there's a possibility that you've seen some preview or some Spiderman toy and for whatever reasons, it has stuck with you.

So today, Spiderman, I took your pictures. Your baby sis is 5 months old today and as I was taking her photo's, you made it very clear that you wanted yours taken as well. And honestly my son, when I look at you, I find it hard to believe that something so beautiful could be mine! You and your sister are mine (well, ours) and it just amazes me. Blessed beyond measure, that's the only way to explain it.

Gavin, you are 2 months shy of being 3 years old. We talk about your birthday often...what kind of party you want, what toys you want, etc. Most days you want a party at those "bouncy fings". So more than likely that's what you'll get, cause mommy and daddy are all about pleasing our babies (on their special day!).

Right now you are 100% a "Cars" man. Disney Pixar Cars or Cars 2. You play with your cars all day long, sound effects and you will be getting a Cars themed party. I'll leave everything else as a surprise for you birthday blog.
Also at 3, daddy says you're going to start sleeping in your room. Yea, uh-huh...we'll see how that one goes ;). And I'm going to try to get you some kind of small table of your very own to eat at, etc. I think you've been in the old faithful high-chair long enough. PLUS, Giana will be needing it soon enough.

We love you sweet boy...I mean SPIDERMAN! More than we could ever explain!
Spiderman - you need to come see Chase and play with all the cars and tractors at our house!