It seems to get harder and harder to blog lately and I really have no excuse. I barely get out the camera lately and it's certainly not because I don't have plenty of opportunities to take your picture! But it may be because mommy is very pregnant now and with that comes a tired, sometimes lazy mama!
You are very clingy to me right now, in fact, you want nothing to do with anyone but your mommy first thing in the morning. While it is very sweet and melts my heart, I worry that you may feel somewhat left out when your baby sister comes. Having a c-section will make it impossible for me to carry or lift you for 6 weeks, but mommy will try my best to give you lots and lots of lovin' regardless!
We have been working on potty training for a good 3 weeks or more now, you continue to have your good days and bad days. I'm not quite sure that you're 100% ready for this transition, but it would be so nice to have only one baby in diapers :). You do well with going pee pee, but for some reason going #2 usually is a struggle, you tend to start in your underwear unless we catch you first! Yes, you like to disappear when it comes #2 time. We usually catch you though, because it get's very quiet!!! But we will continue to try and keep it at your pace, I know you'll succeed when you're ready.
Yes, that's green crayon on that you have shoved up your nose, lol.
We are getting the nursery ready for your baby sister today...daddy is doing some nice paint work :). Yesterday we spent the entire day cleaning out the storage room which is where your sister's nursery will be. I'll try my best to post some pictures fo the finished product.
We've got PINK!
This past week your Aunt Lisa, Uncle Scott, cousins Nicolas, Natalia, and Nadia came and visited! Can you believe I didn't get one single picture?? I'm horrible, I know, but I'm hoping your aunt Lisa will post some and I can steal them! We all had an excellent time together. It was so nice to spend time with family. We visited Cumberland Falls, Laurel Lake (which you LOVED...a whole day on a boat with lots of swimming), Levi Jackson Park, and we ate lots too!
Giana is expected to be here on August 22nd. Mommy has been scheduled for a c-section that morning. We are very excited to welcome baby sister in to the world and are praying for a healthy baby girl and healthy delivery!
Love you sweet boy and I'll try to post updates with more pictures again...very soon!
Can't believe your due date is so close. It doesn't seem real! I'm SO happy for you and slightly jealous too. :-)
ReplyDeleteIs the room going to be pink and gray? Looks pretty!! Call me tommorow so we can catch up :)