Wow...2 posts within a week...I'm on a roll!!! Gavin's in his room playing now, so I'm taking this nice little opportunity to blog!
Father's Day this year was mainly about relaxing. Nelson has been staying busy with work the last week or so, so on "his" holiday weekend, he wanted to lay back and take it easy. Saturday night we went out to eat at Carrabba's (Nelson's FAVE restaurant). There was a 45 minute wait, but the food was more than worth the wait, and Mr. Gavin was on his best behavior, so it made for a nice evening. Sunday, nothing too eventful, a trip to Sam's Club, Lowe's, and we went to see a model home, just for the fun of it! Upon returning home, we spent the afternoon eating pizza and watching "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" (lol). Nels may never admit it, but we BOTH love our Housewives reality shows!!! :o))
Without making this post incredibly long, I will just say, that if I threw everything I wanted and hoped for into a model with the hopes of creating the PERFECT father, I would get a Nelson. He adores Gavin and Gavin adores him! Nels can be exhausted from a long day of work, but always takes the time to play with Gavin every evening. As soon as Nels steps in the door from work, he goes down to his knees, opens his arms, and waits for his baby boy to coming running to him with a hug. This is routine, happens everyday...and brings so much joy, pleasure, and contentment to my heart. Nels is PRESENT for everything. Doctor's visits, trips to the beach, trips to the pool, dinnertime, bathtime, bedtime. And even more important, he's Present with his whole heart...Gavin and I are beyond blessed to have him as a father and a husband.
And on to my daddy. I know I can count on him for anything. Even now, 12 hours away, he makes me feel safe...I trust him with my whole heart and I love him with my whole heart. He CAN do anything and WOULD do anything for his family. God blessed me with the perfect daddy, I will always be his little girl, and he will always be my hero.

beautiful, beautiful post!!