We had a WONDERFUL weekend with Nana & Papa (thank you Lord!). We were so happy that they come to visit us, even though it was for a short time. Nana & Papa flew in Thursday night...might I add that it was papa's first time to fly EVER and nana hadn't flown in around 11 years!!! Yes, that's right, papa flew for the very first time just to see Baby G! And they enjoyed it so---much better than a 12 hour drive.

Friday we stayed at home and relaxed all day...took a swim in the pool, grilled out, and enjoyed e/o's company. Saturday, a little shopping, good eats, and some more swimming (which Gavin and Nana happened to LOVE!). Sunday- no better way to start the day than being at church with my family, a trip to Babys R Us, Chili's, home for a nap, then back to the airport. My how time does fly when you are with the ones you love most! My parents adore Gavin and the feeling is mutual...he was full of smiles all weekend! He's such a little cuddler and was ready to be held, hugged, kissed, played with, non-stop attention for him!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers...still searching for a job for Nelson and with the economy the way it is...it can take some time. I'm doing my best to be here, I have so much to be thankful for and I realize that 110%, but what can I say...I want to go home and be with my family---I miss them every single day. Fingers crossed, prayers, positive thoughts, HOPE, & FAITH---that's all I can do.
Gavin is all smiles. And I love his jammies!
Sending prayers up that you and your little fam get to come home PERMANENTLY soon!