Monday, September 21, 2009

6 Month Stats...and a new buddy

Gavin had his 6 month check-up today and yes, with that came the dreadful vaccinations. I dread these more and more every time...because he is beginning to realize that these shots are no good and mommy and daddy are allowing them to happen! But all in all, he did well, he did cry, the most pitiful heartbroken cry, but only for a short time and then he was all better (he just needed some cuddlin from mama).

  • Weight- 19.12lbs, which puts him in the 80% in weight.

  • Height- 26 3/4in., which places him in the 55% in length.

  • Head circumference- 17 1/4 in.

  • 3 shots today and one oral.

  • After shining a light on Gavin's gums, Dr. Gilchrist said that it looked like Gavin may have some top teeth coming in, hehe. Generally, babies get their bottom teeth first, but Gavin is unique and special and just may get some top ones first ;op .

Everything looked great today, Gavin is on target with developments--- thank you Lord for my baby boy and for our wonderful check-up today!

And now on to Gavin's new buddy. Introducing Liam (not sure if that's the correct spelling). My neighbor introduced me to Liam's mom, Joy, and her little fella a few weeks ago. So, this past Friday night, we invited Joy, Micah (the husband), and Liam over for dinner. Liam is a few months older than Gav, but they seem to do well together...not much conversation (hah!), but they did enjoy some tummy time together ;op...(since Baby G can't crawl).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Yes...the title is a dead give baby...I mean BIG BOY said "Ma-Ma" for the first time today ;o). We've been hearing "da-da" for some time now, so I was more than ready for today's feat. Now, I can't be certain that he knew what he was saying, but I would like to think that he did, haha. Mr. G is also 28 weeks today, wow!

Just a few quick shots of my "ma-ma" saying boy in his pj's.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Moody Monkey.

My little model ;o)

Just had to post how quickly my little boy's mood can change! I brought out a new toy today...a "move and crawl" ball. I was so excited to give it to Gavin! The ball moves on it's own, lights up with vibrant colors, talks, sings, you name it---the ball does it! So what does Gavin do when he is given the ball to play with...I think the picture says it all! First he gives me this look....
Then he begins to mouth at me....

He did, however, enjoy this plastic bowl and spoon to pieces! Note to parents: Don't spend too much money on toys, my little moody monkey preferred the kitchenware MUCH more! (Again---picture)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend with Nana & Papa

We had a WONDERFUL weekend with Nana & Papa (thank you Lord!). We were so happy that they come to visit us, even though it was for a short time. Nana & Papa flew in Thursday night...might I add that it was papa's first time to fly EVER and nana hadn't flown in around 11 years!!! Yes, that's right, papa flew for the very first time just to see Baby G! And they enjoyed it so---much better than a 12 hour drive.

Friday we stayed at home and relaxed all day...took a swim in the pool, grilled out, and enjoyed e/o's company. Saturday, a little shopping, good eats, and some more swimming (which Gavin and Nana happened to LOVE!). Sunday- no better way to start the day than being at church with my family, a trip to Babys R Us, Chili's, home for a nap, then back to the airport. My how time does fly when you are with the ones you love most! My parents adore Gavin and the feeling is mutual...he was full of smiles all weekend! He's such a little cuddler and was ready to be held, hugged, kissed, played with, non-stop attention for him!

(Somebody is already getting ready for Halloween!!!)

Please continue to keep us in your prayers...still searching for a job for Nelson and with the economy the way it can take some time. I'm doing my best to be here, I have so much to be thankful for and I realize that 110%, but what can I say...I want to go home and be with my family---I miss them every single day. Fingers crossed, prayers, positive thoughts, HOPE, & FAITH---that's all I can do.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy 6 months (Tomorrow) Baby G!!!

That's right. My little turkey is 6 months old today!!! Big BOY! I can't believe that 6 months has came and gone so quickly---for this reason I try to soak up every ounce of little man every single second of every single day! And the craziest thing of all, as much as I love him TODAY--it is 100% possible that I will love him even more than that TOMORROW (even 5 minutes from now!). God definitely gave us mommy's and daddy's infinite amounts of love!

What's been going on with baby G time!!! Here we go:

  • He loves cereal and banana's--fave meal of the day.

  • He drinks around 24-28 oz. of formula a day.

  • He now sleeps in his crib!

  • He usually sleeps anywhere from 9:00-10:00 at night until about 7am.

  • He enjoys tv in small doses--especially Baby Einstein, Special Agent Oso, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse :o).

  • He sits up on his own very well now!

  • Still doesn't enjoy tummy time, usually attempts to roll over or rolls over as soon as he is placed on the tummy.

  • He takes at least 2 naps a day anywhere from 1-2 hours.

  • He enjoys playing with is feet.

  • Still teething, but no teeth.

  • Continues to smile 24/7...he really does have an amazing personality.

  • He enjoys playing in the pool or anything outdoors for that matter.

  • He has a contagious laugh.

  • He wears a size 3 diapers and 6-9 mo. clothes.

  • He likes to turn around in all positions during his sleep at night!

  • He loves putting blankets in his mouth or over his face, but can never remember how to get it off of his face, lol.

  • He still takes his pacifier, mostly right before he goes to sleep.

  • He is quite the little traveler, to KY, to Dominican Republic, to Miami, and to Naples.

  • He loves it when mommy cooks in the kitchen, while he is in his high-chair, we turn up the music and mommy dances all around the kitchen while he watches and laughs. Mommy has all kinds of cool moves these days ;o).

  • He likes it when daddy takes him to the big mirror and they look at e/o.

  • He is beginning to roll to his side more, so mommy has to keep a better eye on him, to be certain that he doesn't roll off of anything!

My sweety is already growing up on me & I'm enjoying every second of it! Happy 6 months Baby G!