I thought I would do one more blog before heading to Dominican Republic---we are leaving Wednesday and will be gone for 10 WHOLE DAYS! Please say a prayer that we have a safe flight both going to and coming from DR and that our overall trip is safe. Gavin hasn't seen his Abuela and Abuelo since he was around a week old, so I'm certain they are very excited about seeing him! We are attending the Nolasco Family Reunion on Saturday where Gav will meet many family members for the first time! I'm excited about the trip, but I'm already stressing over the heat. For those of you who have never been to a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY...there is NO air conditioning in the homes (only in the bedrooms)---baby G is a sweater as it is, so to be in the heat all day long for 10 days...uhhhh...well it worries me. But we are going to buy a portable fan and keep him in the shade so hopefully it will go well---think positive, right? On the UPSIDE we are going to be staying at a resort in Punta Cana for a few days, where the AC will be a-flowing on HIGH! YIPPEE. I love vacationing at the beach and the beaches in the Caribbean are the best!
My little baby boy will be 5 months on the 4th of August! I can't believe it! Some new things going on with Gav----
- He is now eating food!!!! So far, he has had green beans, peas, and carrots. He seems to be a fan of peas. Tomorrow he will have squash for the first time! He had sweet potatoes once, but he got a little rash on his back a day or so later...prob. wasn't the sweet potatoes, but I'm going to hold off on giving him those again---we're going to have all the other veggies first!
- He can sit up SOMEWHAT now!!! He leans over and holds himself up with his hands, but hey---he's getting there!
- He got in the pool for the first time yesterday...didn't stay in for long, but he seemed to enjoy it!
- He has now flown---all the way to KY and back...and was nothing less than an ANGEL!
- He is beginning to enjoy "tummy time" a little more these days ;o).
- Everything continues to go straight to the mouth.
- He is trying to talk, babbles all the time. I'm pretty sure that "da-da" is going to be his first word as he is practically saying it now (he just doesn't know what he's saying).
- And he just jumps away in his Jumperoo, it is hilarious! I'll have to get a video of him and post it.
Good luck on giving the squash. Story gagged and refused to open her mouth for the spoon for 3 days after...haha!
ReplyDeleteI love your little "hunny". Isn't it amazing how they just keep getting more and more gorgeous?