My little boy slept in his nursery all the way across the loft for the first time last nite!! I don't even think he missed us :'o( ...but mommy sure missed him!
Monday, August 31, 2009
My little boy slept in his nursery all the way across the loft for the first time last nite!! I don't even think he missed us :'o( ...but mommy sure missed him!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Little Birdie and HIS Nest.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Gavin's **New Friends**
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Mi Bebe y Dominican Republic
- NO ONE has air conditioning in their homes (only in the bedrooms).
- Car seats are not required! (Gavin loves this!)
- If you speak only English, a Spanish speaking country can be a challenge.
- Sadly enough, you can't trust or rely on the police (you have to pay them to get anything done).
- It is a very poor country, so you really can't trust anyone (except family of course).
- It is BEYOND hot during the day.
- Nights are nice, usually a cool breeze.
- The beaches and mountains are beautiful!
- You have to be a very brave person to drive there, lol...I wouldn't even attempt it!
- The music/dancing/party's are very entertaining and FUN!
I know I sound somewhat negative...truth is, when we were there 2 years ago my purse and everything in it was stolen (credit cards, cell phone, passport, name it!) and this year my engagement ring that I am absolutely in love with was taken. So, at this point I think DR and I are mutual in saying that we aren't too fond of e/o, lol.
But it is the country where Nelson's parents live and they happen to be wonderful people and the time spent with family was time WELL spent. Enough said.
How was Gavin? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.... Keeping a baby out in the heat all day everyday could be a problem...but he impressed me. He only got upset a couple of times and that was because he was teething. He had a smile on his face 95% of the time, so of course, everyone loved him! There were so many times when people I didn't know (at the family reunion) just came up and had to hold him! He slept well at night, naps during the day where few and far between, but with 3 cousins to watch, what could I expect? He enjoyed his cool baths, loved the breeze at night, observed everything around him, and really seemed to just soak everything in.
We stayed busy while in DR...everyday we had something to do or someone to visit. We visited Nelson's grandparents and had lunch. I was so happy that we got to see them, I know that someday Gavin will be very happy to have photos with his great grandparents. Nelson's abuelo has cancer and is very weak, so we couldn't have had better timing to get there and get some photos.The main objective for this trip was the Nolasco Family Reunion, this took place in the VERY rural village of La Caya. There was lots of dancing, music, food, chatter, and people. When we arrived we went to a small church to a Catholic service where they did a dedication. From there we went next door to an aunts home and hung out ALL DAY LONG. La Caya is where Gavin's Abuelo and Abuela grew up, so it was nice sharing this with Gavin (even though he won't remember it) and seeing it for myself.
Gavin also met his Tio Cesar for the first time...I'm almost certain Cesar was smitten with him ;o).
We also visited Camp David, located just outside the city of Santiago. The view was breathtaking. We took several pictures (as you see), had a little dinner, then headed back home.

(That is the city of Santiago that you see in the background)
Tuesday through Thursday we stayed at the Riu Bachata Resort in Puerto Plata. We visited the beach the first day, but mainly stayed at the pool. Gavin really enjoyed the pool, the whole time he was scooping water in to his mouth...which made me a little nervous, but he seems to be fine, lol. This was a mini trip, but it was nice, we all had a wonderful time.
I guess this summarizes the trip without writing a book...I think the pictures really say it all.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Gavin and Great Papaw Lloyd
Special little moment that Papaw Lloyd shares with Gavin---some of his favorite nursery rhymes ;o).
Momma's little Hunny
- He is now eating food!!!! So far, he has had green beans, peas, and carrots. He seems to be a fan of peas. Tomorrow he will have squash for the first time! He had sweet potatoes once, but he got a little rash on his back a day or so later...prob. wasn't the sweet potatoes, but I'm going to hold off on giving him those again---we're going to have all the other veggies first!
- He can sit up SOMEWHAT now!!! He leans over and holds himself up with his hands, but hey---he's getting there!
- He got in the pool for the first time yesterday...didn't stay in for long, but he seemed to enjoy it!
- He has now flown---all the way to KY and back...and was nothing less than an ANGEL!
- He is beginning to enjoy "tummy time" a little more these days ;o).
- Everything continues to go straight to the mouth.
- He is trying to talk, babbles all the time. I'm pretty sure that "da-da" is going to be his first word as he is practically saying it now (he just doesn't know what he's saying).
- And he just jumps away in his Jumperoo, it is hilarious! I'll have to get a video of him and post it.