Monday, June 29, 2009

Rolly Polly Bug!

Not all that much going on since the last post...but so that it's documented for Gavin to look at in the was a BIG day! Big boy Gavin rolled over from him tummy to his back 3 times! 2 times on the couch and once in the floor for daddy! This is even more proof that he hates "tummy time"! He has now conjured up a way to get off of his tummy w/o help from mommy and daddy.

No pics of the actual happening & no videos today--but I can't post without uploading at least one pic of little man, ;op.

So here is my mini "UK" hope is that Gavin loves KY as much as I do! It took me 25 years to realize just how much I do love it, sometimes it really does take leaving a place to know what it means to you.

Without further UK baby!


  1. Yay for Gavin! Rolling over is a fun milestone. But it changes things! Story can't seem to lay still anymore. So now I have to be careful where I lay her down. :/

  2. He is the cutest UK fan I have EVER seen =)
