Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Photo Overload
nothing new going on, just have some photo's of my lovelies to share :). so in love with these two sweethearts and very thankful to call them mine! love you both!
(Gavin 3 years old, Giana 9 months old)
Couldn't you just eat them up???!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Gia Bugs 9 months!
Baby girl you are 9 months old today! And what a blessing these last 9 months with you have been! You have brought so much sunshine in to our lives and we could never give enough thanks for you.
•your newest thing is clapping...when anyone says "patty cake" you begin clapping, just precious!
•you take 4 bottles a day, all are 6oz. Except for your bedtime bottle, it's usually 7oz. with some oatmeal. You also have 3 meals a day.
•you have just began eating foods with texture, you will eat it, but you're still not too certain about it :).
•you love to eat the blueberry puffs, you pick them up with those chubby hands and feed yourself now!
•I introduced the sippy cup to you a couple weeks ago, and you took it right away! You drank all your milk with no problem. You're using the "nuk" brand. And it's a keeper! You still don't hold it by yourself, but we're working on that...
•you stood for a few seconds on your own this week and you've done it several times-big girl!
•you are a speedy quick crawler, you go anywhere you please now.
•you continue to hold on to objects (couch) and walk around, but no steps without help just yet.
•you wear 9-12 months or 12 months clothing, you are perfectly cuddly and just round enough! Daddy weighed you last week and you were just over 18lbs.
•size 2 shoe and 3 diaper.
•you sleep in your crib and tonight you cried for 2 minutes before falling asleep (praise God)!
•you take 2 naps a day, anywhere from 30 minutes to almost 2 hours.
•you still are very aware of strangers, but you warm up long as I'm not in sight!
•you are quick to laugh at your brother and he excites you more than anyone.
• when you laugh or smile really big, you snort with your nose and sometimes sound like a little piggy.
• you don't really have a favorite toy, everything goes straight to your mouth, so anything you can chew on satisfies you just fine.
• still only 2 teeth and no sight of any new ones just yet.
• you LOVE to be outdoors, whether on a walk, in your playpen, or sitting in the are very happy and content outside.
• you sleep in the car almost always.
• you have the sweetest little bashful personality, you tilt your head in to hide your face and smile when someone talks to you, it's the sweetest thing!
• you continue to be a mama's girl, which melts my heart!
We adore you sweet girl, you are out sweet lil' flower always! Hugs and kisses baby girl and happy 9 months!!!
Enjoying a little lunch after church :)
(pics from my phone this time!)
(Had to share one of brother too!)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
C.I.O night 2&3
Okay, night 2 of C.I.O never really happened. Gia bug drank her bottle and fell asleep in my arms. I put her in the crib at 8:30 and she slept all night! Til 8:30 the next morning! Wowza! So, tonight, night 3, I dreaded. I fed her a little earlier then took her in to her room. I rocked her for just a second, saw that she was very sleepy, then placed her in the crib. I said my "I love you's" and goodnights, gave my hugs, and kisses, then left. This was at 9:11. She cried, for a few minutes, then whined, and by 9:18 she was.....ASLEEP! Laying on her tummy like a little frog! Praise GOD! 7 minutes tonight! Hope this continues and becomes no tears at all. She hasn't woken up yet, but it's still early. Finger's crossed that she sleeps all night long, with no problems.
Gavin is currently watching Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. He's sitting indian style, his head tilted back, long sleeve sleep tee and undies on...bottom lip popped out.
I love those two so much, my heart literally HURTS, so strange, but so true. Honestly, if I could be anywhere in the world at this very moment...I would choose our bed, one baby on each arm, Nelson's hand in mine, and I would freeze time for a bit. I suppose they're my taste of Heaven on earth and how perfectly yummy they are!
Goodnight all...
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
C.I.O Babe #2
Am I really doing this again???? I promised I wouldn't, but here I am, blogging about another cry it out bedtime routine. I'm so very sorry Giana, I apologize in advance for the next few nights baby girl. Mommy does not like doing this, but your sleep pattern right now is just, well, not good. I promised myself that after doing this horrbile method of getting you sweet babies to sleep in your crib with Gavin, that I woudln't have to do this again. You have really slept in your playyard or crib from day one. But right now your seperation anxiety is at it's PEAK, you are a mommy's girl like no other. So, when you fall asleep and I put you in your crib at night, within an hour or two you are awake, relentlessly crying for mommy. The past few nights, out of extreme tiredness, I have put you in bed with me, but mommy can't be the best mommy when I'm tired, and interuppted sleep is just not good sleep.
Gavin's first night of C.I.O was rough (I thought). He cried for 50 minutes until sleep got the best of him. Well, my sweet little delicate flower, you are a tough little thang, cause you cried for 72 minutes!!!!! Yes, my love an hour and 12 minutes of tears, screams, and more tears. Broke my heart, but God willing, tonight will be better for everyone. I promise it's just as hard on me to go in the room, comfort you (without picking you up), say "I love you" a million times, then leave. Wait five minutes, repeat. You are strong willed my love, didn't realize how much, until last night. You started crying at 11:23 and it was 12:35 before you were out. There were even a few times when you rested your tired little head on your arm as you stood in your crib. You finally sat down, got all "bobble headed" then slowly your head and body leaned forward and forward until you fell over. Thank God you didn't bump your head. Oh, I pray tonight is a little easier and smoother.
You slept until almost 8am and let me tell ya, I've never been happier to jump out of the bed and got get my cuddle bug, as I was this morning. Kisses, kisses, hugs, squeezes, and more way of saying I'm sorry and please don't be mad at me, hah!
Thought I would share a few photos from the monitor of you and your pitiful first night of C.I.O. You are a strong one my sweet...yes you are! I love you baby girl, to the moon and back!
The redness you see at the top of the monitor, is the noise detector, and it's in full force!
And we're down for the count >>>
Monday, May 14, 2012
Mother's Day 12'
Another Mother's day to be thankful for all the mommy's out there!
We started our day off in church and I'm so thankful of that, I'm thankful to say that I really DO ENJOY church and look forward to it. On top of that, the kiddo's where excellent in church, Gavin boy actually slept (WOOHOO!) and Gia bug, though squirmy, was angelic as well. I had just told Nelson on the drive to church that lately the kids had made it hard for me to focus and really take in the sermon. God must have been listening closely(as He always is), because today was very pleasurable, probably because the entire sermon had MY NAME written all over it! It was all about Fear, worry, anxiety, stress. Just what I needed, because I am a self proclaimed worrier...we all fall under that category at times, but this is me most EVERY day. Our pastor spoke on different scriptures, gave statistics on how worrying affects the body, etc. but what spoke to me most was that Worrying.Is.A.Sin, it is a disservice to God. I guess I knew this, but not to the extent that preached it. It's a sin, because when I worry and let it interfere with my everday life, I'm not truly trusting in Him. So, on Mother's Day, I have made it my MISSION to do what I can do and leave the rest to God. And more than likely, I'll have to remind myself of that daily. I have posted on my refrigerator one of the quotes Pastor Trevor said..."When you can- DO, when you can't-TRUST". Matthew 6:34 says, 'Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.' To worry is really to belittle all the great things that My God has given me. And in that, I come back to Mother's Day. My children. Two great blessings that God gave me and He created them perfectly. I am so very thankful (even in the most stressful of moments) that God chose me for them. Being a mother is the most important job and most rewarding job/gift and I'm so thankful.
After church we went out for lunch (Nana and Papaw met us) and yet again, my babies were excellent. Gavin ate so well, which if you know Gavin's eating habits, is like receiving a million gifts for Mother's Day, haha! We finished our day at home, due to yucky, rainy weather, we didn't have much choice in that. We enjoyed a little Cinderella and then were off to bed. Not a super eventful day to read about, but all in all, it was nice. A day surrounded by my beautiful family, that's all I really NEED.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Picture Perfect :)
Well, I finally have some photos to add of your sweetness at 8 months. I took you outside the other day and snapped a few quick are so beautiful to your mommy and daddy, picture perfect!
I also wanted to add that at 8 months, you are wearing a size 3 diaper and that you are always STANDING! stand ALL.the.TIME. I really believe you'll walk soon, beacuse you can already make your way around the couch. You stand in your crib, you stand in the playpen, you stand on Gavin's toys, and next to the refrigerator. If there's something to pull up on, you will most definitely pull up. You crawl wonderfully, with that belly off the floor, but it's obvious that you are ready to move on to better things...balancing on those two adorable feet!
love you baby girl!
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