Giana, my love, you are 8 months old today. You're napping now, so no pictures of you, I'll try my best to take some and post later.
You are as precious as ever. And your personality is really beginning to show; for the most part we see sweetness, little smiles, contagious laughs, your little "granny" face (as daddy likes to call it), and from time to time we catch your temper...but even your temper is adorable!
You have two little teeth, so cute! You got your second tooth on April 12th.
Your hair continues to thicken and it gets curlier by the day, ha! I think you may be a smidge more curly than you brother, but his is stick straight now, so you never know what that hair will do.
You crawl, you're not a pro just yet, but you can get where you need to go. You can pull up all by yourself and you love to stand and jump. You are very strong!
Clothes are mostly 6-9 months now and size 2 shoe. We are getting ready to bump you up to a size 3 diaper (as soon as we finish up with the 2's).
You have officially graduated to your bedroom and your crib, wow! You sleep well in your room too, so far it's been really good for you. The transition was very smooth.
Lately you've been going to bed at or between 9-9:15 and you wake up bright and early by 7am!!! WOW!
Mommy just started a new job at the bank, so at 8 months, mommy had to leave you, which makes me very sad. Gavin was 18 months when I started work, but we have to do what we have to do. But I think of you and your brother often...and I talk about you both lots! And I'm known to show pictures too ;)
Your big brother that you adore continues to pester you daily, hourly, minutely, sometimes secondly! But you continue to love him very much and he can bring out a belly laugh in you like no other. And he loves very much too, he just doesn't know how to show it in a gentle way.
You are a good girl in church, but you are beginning to let everyone know you are there, so we may be taking you to the nursery soon...I'll be putting that one off as long as possible!!!
You travel well, no excellent...the car puts you to sleep almost long as it's moving, you're snoozing. But bring it to a stop and those eyes are quick to open.
You still take between 4-5 bottles a day, 6oz every bottle, but 5oz. on the last bottle before bed. You eat 3 times a day. Usually 1/2-1 full container at a time. You really love food.
I'm not sure on your weight, your next appointment is at 9 months. But you are growing like a weed and you have the cutest little chubby legs and cheeks ever. You are the perfect amount of lovable cuddly chubbiness!
Mommy and daddy (and brother too) adore you sweet little princess. You bring us so much joy and warmth. You are beautiful and sweet and every thing and more that I could ever want or need. God sure has blessed us with 2 amazing babies and as I always say I could never give Him enough thanks.
We love sweet girl---Happy 8 Months mommy's sweet flower!!!!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Toofer! ;)
Gia Carson, baby girl, you have now welcomed your FIRST TOOTH in to the world of your mouth! It just popped through over night, so on Easter we also celebrate this milestone! I can't believe my smallest now has a tooth...not sure if I can handle all this big girl stuff...I love it, but at the same time, I want to say SLLLLOOOWWW Down :).
Here's our tooth numero uno...btw, that's food on her nose ;)

Up close, looks like you'll be getting a couple more very soon!
You love being in your diaper only! You've smiled and laughed lots!

Here's our tooth numero uno...btw, that's food on her nose ;)
Up close, looks like you'll be getting a couple more very soon!
You love being in your diaper only! You've smiled and laughed lots!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Happy Easter 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Today, my two sweet angel's where dedicated at church. (Along with 20 other beautiful children) As the certificate states, we are "Giving him/her into the care and the will of God">>> After all, in reality, our children are only given to us on loan--And boy am I thankful for the two that God chose for us. I feel so very blessed and I know I say that often, but really there is no other way to describe this crazy, wonderful love!
It is our responsibility to raise each of you in the ways of God, guiding you in the Word of God and by EXAMPLE. That's a huge responsibility. And every day I thank God for trusting us and loving us enough to offer these beautiful children in to our care. How awesome is that? I don't think it's anything that should be taken lightly and unfortunately, some people don't view it in the same respect. We make such huge impacts on our children, what we speak AND in our actions. I have to remind myself of this daily---when I get frustrated, when I'm tired, when I get angry, when things aren't going exactly as planned, when I'M the one that is whining and acting like the child! Yes, it's true...sometimes I catch myself sounding like the baby and that's when I have to take a step back, reevaluate the situation, take a breath, and quite frankly tell myself to CALM DOWN :)...because those little eyes are always on me, even when I don't realize it; and those little ears are always open, even when I'm not paying attention. These sweet babies look up to us and we have to lead by example, even in those most difficult moments.
So today, Nels and I felt that it was very important to go forward in church and say that we accept this great responsibility and we will do our Very Best to raise our children in the ways of the Lord.
So, with that said, today we were joined by Nana, Papaw, Pat, Lowell, Wayne, and Carolyn to celebrate these precious gifts at their dedication. The room wasn't all that well lit, but thanks to my dear friend Jess, we got some pictures of the actual dedication. The photographer at the church got a family photo shot, but I don't have that one to share just yet!
I'm so thankful for you both. Gavin and Giana our world is such a happier, warm, sunnier place with the two of you in it. And because of that we felt it absolutely necessary to give you both in to the will of our awesome God!
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