Thursday, March 29, 2012

Everyone says....

that we look alike--- AGREED!!!!!

Gavin 7.5 months old
Giana 7 months old

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


This little sweety....

Yes...this little 7 month old beauty pie...

She pulled up all by herself in her crib yesterday...and she STOOD there! No crawling just yet (OH SO CLOSE!) but she's pulling up and standing! WOW! Guess we'll be lowering that crib mattress!! Oh and she also says those sweet words... "MA-MA"! What a big girl!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

7 month Sweety!

My sweet little baby girl is 7 months old (as of yesterday)! In just 5 short months you will be a year old!

Not many changes since your 6 month stat post. You are still trying to attempt crawling, but not yet! We're just waiting on that big milestone! And with that will come a watchful eye for Gavin's tiny little toys and vacuuming almost daily...but we are ready when you are sweet baby.

We've been taking you outside in this beautiful March weather the last few days and you really enjoy it. You love to sit in the grass, pull it up, and take it straight to your mouth. Mommy interferes with that whole process somewhat, because though I give in to you on most things, I just can't allow you to eat grass, hah!

I'm pretty sure you're going to be a blonde at some point this summer...who would have thought it? But, your hair is already lightening somewhat and your sweet little face has somehow managed to get some sun on it (even though we keep you in the shade). You are going to be as brown as a little biscuit this summer!

Everyday daddy looks at you and says, "Oh my gosh, she is so beautiful" with a huge proud smile on his face. And that you are my little flower, but you are just as sweet as you are gorgeous! God blessed us with our perfect little girl and we couldn't possibly love you more!


We have been enjoying some crazy warm MARCH weather the last couple of weeks. No complaining the sunshine and warm air. We've also been spending lots of time outside. Gavin you love being outdoors, running through the yard, climbing the fence, scaring the cows, playing with tree're not so fond of the bees and wasps, but that's my fault. Mommy is terrified of bees and wasps...and why shouldn't I be? They sting! So, naturally when I see a bee, I scream, run, dunk, dip, squirm, hah! do too! That's the only downfall to outdoors, but with that said, those bees do us a lot of good too, so I won't complain or hate too much!

So enough of that...what's with the title? Today, we dug worms and went fishing! Daddy, you, papaw, and even me! Nana sat with Gia bug under a shade tree :). Unfortunately, daddy and I didn't catch a thing...but papaw definitely had the lucky fishing pole because he kept reeling them in...with YOUR help. Yep, Gav, you reeled in 3 fish, petted them, rubbed them, poked their eyeballs, squeezed them, and even gave one a kiss! You loved every last second of it and kept calling them Nemo and Marlin, hah! You weren't too keen on throwing them back in the water, but you always did.

We had a great family outdoors day, so thankful for this beautiful weather and my sweet family!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pearls :)

Gia Carson, you had your 6 month appointment today and we did something a little extra. We'll share that later.

Your stats at 6 months...(technically you are 6 1/2)

Weight- 15.11 (28th Percentile)
Height- 26.25 (50th Percentile)
Head Cir- 16.5 (22nd Percentile)

Everything looked well in that are a petite little flower, but perfect just the same! You also had vaccinations today--those are no fun...and no fun to talk about! You shed some tears, your big brother threatened to kick the doctor, mommy held you close, you were okay.

At 6 months you sit up perfectly (have been for a while now), you can get up on all fours, you swing yourself back and forth---but no crawling just yet (you do think about it tho!). You do scoot yourself backwards sometimes and you can move yourself around, you just don't travel far. You growl--A LOT! A LOT! It's the funniest thing, you stiffen your arms straight out, straighten those legs, and RAWWWR! So scary! :)

You get more and more attached to me by the minute, but that's just fine, wouldn't have it any other way! You like to give daddy kisses--you open your mouth big and wide, precious!

Gavin isn't a fan of sharing his toys with you these days. He takes everything away from you and you have learned to scream and squeal to make sure it's known that brother is messing with you in a not good way! We're working on that one.

You still wear a size 2 diaper. You can wear anywhere from 3-6 months to 6-9 months clothing, it really just depends on the style and brand.

You have 4-5 6oz. bottles a day. You eat 3 meals a day...oatmeal and fruit in the a.m., then a veggie or fruit for lunch, and a veggie or fruit for dinner. You love love applesauce, that is currently your fave.

You must be teething, because you are one little drooly girl! But no tooth just yet.

Your hair is getting curly, just like your brother's did. You both look very much alike, except your hair is may end up being a blonde for a bit!

You have a bath in the sink everynight. You LOVE bath's. And you're beginning to be a little splasher!

I'm still waiting on those sweet words "Ma-ma" but I'm sure in good time you'll say it. "Da-da" is your word of choice right now :).

You love to chew on your hands and fist...everything goes to the mouth!

You have the sweetest demeanor about you. You seem so serious to strangers, but as soon as you warm up you smile, laugh, talk. Your just perfect. My sweet, delicate, little flower!

And what did we do that was extra exciting today>???? You got your EARS PIERCED!!! This was daddy's idea, I struggled with it somewhat. Your pediatrician did a perfect's so very adorable on you! You DID shed a few tears and were fussy for a few minutes after, but you are completely happy now and I'm glad we did it! You are too :).

Love you sweet girl, you are mommy and daddy's world (along with your sweet brother). We are so very blessed to call you ours'!

Monday, March 12, 2012

SUPER Sweeeet

Yes! Giana Carson, you have the power of sweetness!!! You are the sweetest little girl in all the land :)

Go Fly a Kite!

The title is misleading, huh? Yes, Gavin there are times when you test my nerves to the M-A-X, but I haven't told you to go fly a kite...yet :). Ha! Actually my son, even when you've taken one too many toys from your sister, said "that's mine" one too many times, screamed "I don't wike you" to the one who carried you in my stomach for 9 months and "grew" you, I still predict that I will never tell you to go fly a kite, because bottome line______ I just adore you!

And your sweet daddy does too...he called from work today and was excited to tell you that when he got home, the two of you where going outside to fly a kite. And evidence proves...that you DID! Your first time flying a kite and you LOVED it...and where quite good at it!

Love you sweetness!

Hocus Pocus

Something I had to take note of...really shows how clever your little 3 year old "thinker" is.

We were sitting at the bar today while you where having lunch. I had a drink in my hand, I had already given you one sip and you wanted more. You said "More Drink!" (technically, you kind of shouted it). I said, "More drink......what's the magic word?" You responded, "Hocus Pocus!" Hahaha. Obviously, mommy was referring to the word PLEASE, but Hocus Pocus worked just as well because you got a drink and I a good laugh. Love you little stinker!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3 Sweet Years

Baby boy, or shall I say, BIG have now reached your 3rd year! Doesn't seem possible, I know I always say that, but it's so TRUE! I still feel like I'm in my low 20's and don't understand how I could already be a mother of a 3 year old! But Praise GOD, I am! And I love every last second of it and you!

We celebrated your birthday at the Party Palace again this year. The cold weather of early March makes it a must to have your party indoors and unfortunately where we live...there aren't too many choices. But you LOVE Party Palace and I really like it too, so all is well.

The theme for your party was Disney Pixar's Cars Movie. And all the decor turned out looking so well; including your awesome cake and cupcakes! Now, we had a friend, Megan, do the cake, but you and I did the cupcakes, which was fun and they were tastey!

Lots of family and friends attended your birthday celebration and I think you smiled 99% of the time...which made all of our hardwork and preparation more than worth it! You were all over the place and for some reason, you didn't want me to snap your picture...too bad though...I did anyway!

We sang the happy birthday song, you blew out your candle, we had cake, and then opened presents. You got lots of goodies and loved each thing (thanks to those that attended and read this!). You got DVD's bats and baseballs, farm animals, bubbles, clothes, a remote control truck (which daddy loves!) and the biggest gift from nana and papaw...a blue PowerWheel F-150 truck. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen such a big smile on your face as when you were driving it...mouth wide open and grinning from ear to ear, those eyes of yours just sparkled! And one of the cutest parts was when all the little boys hopped in with you and you took a spin! A nice preview in to the future, and Carter did the right thing---he buckled his seatbelt AFTER you crashed in to the wall, haha!

You are such a special little boy Gavin, I really don't know what life would be like without sweet YOU. You have brought so much happiness and joy and laughter to our family. I am so thankful that God entrusted us with you...every special little perfect part of you! Even when you get mad at me and tell me you're going to give me to the Dinosaurs---I still smile. We love you more than words could ever express! Happy Birthday to my smart, handsome, full of life, and ENERGETIC little boy!!!! I love you to the moon and back, from the top of your head to the tip of your toes and all the way around INSIDE and OUT!
{Check out that face!}