Saturday, November 26, 2011

Give Thanks 2011

Another Thanksgiving, with so many blessings. I have to say, I have to be most thankful for God this year. He chose me to be the mother of my precious children, He chose me to be the wife of my best friend and husband, and He chose me to be the daughter of my wonderful parents. He has blessed me beyond compare, so among all the things I am soooo very grateful for, I have to give it to Him, first.

With that said, Giana, it's your first Thanksgiving! I am so very blessed to enjoy this holiday with both of my turkey's this year. Gavin and Giana, you both amaze me every single day! I look at you guys and sometimes, I can't believe you're actually mine! I couldn't have chosen two more perfect children if I had hand picked you myself :). Thank you God for these two, you are my heart beat!

I am also so thankful to be married to my best friend. And I mean that, Nelson is truly my very best friend. I'm just happy knowing he's in the room with me, even if we aren't acknowledging each's contentment for me. He's that missing something I always felt in my heart, thank God, I no longer feel that. I am so blessed to have my sweet husband...our relationship was 100% brought together by God, we were states apart, but meant to be!

And for my dear sweet parents! They do so much for us and I'm so grateful for that. But even if they never lifted a finger for me again, I don't love them for their help, but for the parents they are...loving, caring, kindhearted, and strong...the best. I couldn't have hand picked two better parents absolute blessing.

I leave you with a few pictures of our day...a day of thanks!

Last, but not least, are 14 weeks old today! WOW! What a big girl you are becoming so quickly! We love you princess!

Monday, November 21, 2011

3 Months

Aren't my titles so catchy these days, lol? I think between two babies under 3, I've lost some creativity!

Giana, our princess, you are 3 months old! Somehow time has passed so quickly, but in another way, I feel like you've always been here!

Since I just posted your 12 week update, I won't make this long, no big changes. You have worked your way up to 4 ounces of milk every 3 hours and sometimes at night you'll take 5. :)

Yesterday, on your 3 month birthday, you went to your first church service. Everyone stopped to talk to you and compliment you :) You were the most adorable, edible little thing there! You were an angel (as I knew you would be) during the service. You slept through music that was so loud I was afraid it would do damage to your ears, hah! And you had your bottle and you kept your you were excellent! And so was your big bro! He went to children's church for around 10 minutes, but was ready to join us soon after. >
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We love you baby girl, to the moon and back...more than all the stars in the sky! You are so very precious to us, a most awesome blessing from God.

**And on a side ARE a MAMA's girl! Your beautiful little eyes just light up when you see me...I'm wrapped forever!

Friday, November 18, 2011

It's official!!!.......

Gavin David, you are POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have been diaper free (except for nap time and bed time) for 2 or more weeks! WWHHOOP WHHOOP! I am so proud of my little boy, potty training has been one of the more difficult feats we had to conquer...mainly because when I was trying to potty train you this past summer, you just weren't ready yet! This time around, you have made it a breeze, praise GOD! One day, I just asked you..."Gavin, do you want to wear your diaper or big boy underwear today?" you answered "underwear" and we have been good since :))).

You use a training potty, I keep it in the room with us, where you do all your playing. At first, every time you went pee pee you got an M-M, and for poo poo you got a reece cup (bite size). This worked wonderfully! Now you go to the potty all by yourself, you don't even tell us you need to, you go, sit, and do your business, then tell us after you've finished.

Great job sweet boy, you have made mommy so happy and proud (and daddy too!)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

12 weeks :)

Miss Giana, you are 12 weeks old today (11-12-11)!!! And we can't imagine what life was like without you, of course we felt that way as soon as we laid eyes on you!

You are such a sweet baby, laid back, relaxed, content :). You have grown so much already and your hair is beginning to get thicker too. Everyone thinks you look just like your big brother, except you sport the bows. And you wear them well my sweet, you're absolutely beautiful and that smile, oh it melts my heart every time.

You continue to drink Nutramigen formula, which has made a huge difference in how you feel, thank God we figured that out early on. You take 3 1/2 ounces every 3 hours, 4 ounces at night before bed, and 4 ounces the ONE time you wake up at night :). Your brother definitely drank more milk than you, but you refuse to take more than that small amount, your growing, your happy, so I'm trying not to stress to much.

You wear a size 1 diaper, 0-3 month clothes, and weigh a little over 11 lbs.

You are very much like Gavin in that, in the mornings when you wake up your are so smiley and happy! And you love to coo and try to talk, especially when mommy sings to you. I think you are trying to chime in. Your two fave songs are the ABC song (it was Gav's fave too) and Jesus Loves Me. Those get you singing every time!

You've been rolling over from your belly to your back for weeks now, but sometimes you just enjoy being on your tummy. You raise that tiny head of yours up like a pro...I think you're going to be an early crawler.

You love to observe're eyes follow the action...which is usually your brother! With that said....

You adore your brother, you love to watch him, and his voice calms you when you cry. And he loves you too! If you even start to cry, he tells me "Giana cry" and then wants me to pick you up. And he can't wait until you are big enough to play with him...just yesterday he wanted you to build with his blocks. Not quite there yet, but you will be soon enough.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. I'm already thinking about all the cute Christmas attire for you!!! Girl clothes are just too cute! And this year you get to be a part of our Christmas picture! That may not mean much to you, but I'm very excited to add my sweet girl to the will be our first family photo and mommy is excited!

We love you so much baby girl and thank God for you everyday...what a blessing you are to our family!

Happy 31st Birthday Daddy!!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

10 week beauty

Giana these weeks are passing quickly and we're already at week 10! Is it possible that you get more beautiful everyday??? You are such a sweet baby, you smile tons, you coo, and those eyes of yours follow mommy everywhere I go :)

The new formula has made a world of difference in you! You are so much more content, you use the bathroom much easier, and your naps are better. Your tiny little tummy must have really been hurting you, poor baby. You still love to be held and talked to, but really what baby doesn't?

At 10 weeks you have began to sleep through the night(WOW!). You've been going to bed at around 10:30 and sleeping until 6am. You wake up for a bottle, then go back to bed until around 9ish. You have done this 2 nights in a row. Last night you woke up at 4am, but that's still EXCELLENT in my book! You consistently roll over (you started this at around 9 weeks), which makes "tummy time" a challenge, hah!

We love our baby girl so very much!!! And you adore us too! If you're upset, Gavin can come over to you and talk and you get calm sweet is that?!

Here are a few pics from my phone (not the best quality) but pretty precious!