Another Thanksgiving, with so many blessings. I have to say, I have to be most thankful for God this year. He chose me to be the mother of my precious children, He chose me to be the wife of my best friend and husband, and He chose me to be the daughter of my wonderful parents. He has blessed me beyond compare, so among all the things I am soooo very grateful for, I have to give it to Him, first.
With that said, Giana, it's your first Thanksgiving! I am so very blessed to enjoy this holiday with both of my turkey's this year. Gavin and Giana, you both amaze me every single day! I look at you guys and sometimes, I can't believe you're actually mine! I couldn't have chosen two more perfect children if I had hand picked you myself :). Thank you God for these two, you are my heart beat!
I am also so thankful to be married to my best friend. And I mean that, Nelson is truly my very best friend. I'm just happy knowing he's in the room with me, even if we aren't acknowledging each's contentment for me. He's that missing something I always felt in my heart, thank God, I no longer feel that. I am so blessed to have my sweet husband...our relationship was 100% brought together by God, we were states apart, but meant to be!
And for my dear sweet parents! They do so much for us and I'm so grateful for that. But even if they never lifted a finger for me again, I don't love them for their help, but for the parents they are...loving, caring, kindhearted, and strong...the best. I couldn't have hand picked two better parents absolute blessing.
I leave you with a few pictures of our day...a day of thanks!

Last, but not least, are 14 weeks old today! WOW! What a big girl you are becoming so quickly! We love you princess!