Giana, you had your 2 month well visit today! And with that well visit, came your first set of vaccinations :(. Mommy was not aware of this, for some reason, I thought vaccines where at 3 months...but I think you knew all along that this visit wasn't going to be fun. As soon as I took your clothes off so the nurse could weigh you, you started crying...and from that moment on, you never stopped! You are one smart cookie!!!
Your 2 month stats:
Length: 21.75 inches, 25th Percentile
Weight: 10.10 lbs. 41st Percentile
Head Circumference: 14.50 inches, 8th Percentile (you get that tiny head from daddy)
The vaccines you received today were: Hepatitis B, Polio, Hib, Pneumococcal, and Rotavirus.
Dr. B also wants to start you on a new formula. Because you were somewhat fussy and your skin was a little dry in places, and because you had the tiniest speck of blood in your stool (which only a mother that observes the poo closely would have seen, lol)we are trying out Enfamil Nutramigen. This formula is for babies who may have a cow's milk protein allergy. Are we certain that you have this allergy? No. But it may be a little easier for you to digest. You definitely are not a "colicy" baby, but you do like to be held most of the day (to prevent crying). So, we are going to give this a try to see if goes over better with your digestive track :). Mommy and daddy think you are a wee bit spoiled, but Dr. B says he's not ready to say that you are spoiled just yet :). And so far, he has proven to be an excellent pediatrician, so for now, we'll do what he says, hah!
After the visit, we went to Apple Bee's to eat, a quick trip to Orange Leaf (a treat for mommy!) and Wal-Mart to get some infant's tylenol for your vaccines. Then home it was! We had planned on doing a little shopping, but the day proved itself to be somewhat stressful. On the way to the doctor's visit, your brother threw-up 2 times, his clothes were covered...the car seat was covered...and it wasn't the most inviting scent either! Then we found out you had vaccines. So we decided to call it a day and head home early. You slept most of the afternoon and mommy and Gav were able to squeeze in a quick nap!
And this is how we ended the day! I have a feeling you two will be the best of friends :).