It's been so long that I've blogged that I'm going to go ahead and combine two topics into one.
First your 2nd Birthday Party! You had a B to the L to the A-S-T :). We had your party at Party Palace where the were inflatables and games everywhere you looked! This year, we celebrated both your and Quinley's birthday together. But both Angel (Quinley's mom) and I agreed that the birthday song would be sung 2 times in honor of both of our sweet babies. We celebrated Mickey Mouse style, your favorite...although I'm beginning to think Toy Story is right up there with Mickey. Maybe next year?
Your fave inflatable was definitely the ball pit, you would have stayed there. Daddy took you in the bounce house which you also enjoyed...mi-mi wasn't able to do too much on the inflatables with you because of our other sweet baby who is blossoming and growing in mommy's tummy. But you're already an awesome big brother and understood completely :).
We finished the day with pizza and breadsticks and a supersized piece of Mickey Mouse cake that tasted as good as it looked. All in all, the day was a hit. You enjoyed yourself so much that you napped on the way home!
Now....on to the Party Pooper, well a Party Pooper in the beginning. You had out patient surgery yesterday (March 25th). I can't begin to tell you how worried, nervous, scared, emotional I was on this day and the days leading up to it. You had to have hydrocele surgery...fluid was draining into one side of your scrotum, which could have lead to a hernia in the future. Your Awesome Pediatrician and Wonderful Surgeon both agreed it best that we fix the problem now. So we did as told. We spent the night in Lexington the night before surgery because we had to be at CBH at 7:30am. We got up early the next morning (well mi-mi and da-da where up on and off all night) and headed out to the out patient surgery center. After hanging out in the waiting area for around 30 minutes, they called in "Gavin". We went in with you, where they weighed you and put this little green gown on you. Que the tears. You looked so tiny and precious in this gown, all the nurses where walking by and just smiling at you, they would then look at ol' mi-mi and say either, "Honey, are you okay?" or "You're going to make me cry!" The lovely nurses brought you stickers and had you making animal sounds. God love your heart, you had no idea what was ahead of you. Before being carried back to surgery, Dr. Schaeffer came out to greet you and us with a "There's my little buddy!" You were also happy to be a dinosaur for him...so sweet. The nurse came to get you...all she had to say was, "We have a green balloon in the back, you wanna come with me and go see the balloon?" Taken. "Okay" you say, and off you go. Que more tears. We were told the surgery would take around 45 mintues. They would be using general anesthesia, a mask placed over you mouth and face. After you were asleep, they would put in the IV, then surgery would begin. A tiny 1 inch incision in your groin area. 45 minutes later, Dr. Shaeffer comes out, calls us in, and we rush to get to you. Everything went great with the surgery, the problem is fixed, and your pulled through like a trooper! When we finally got to you, the nurse was holding you while you layed your head on her shoulder...you immediately reached for me and began asking for milk. You had an IV wrapped in KY blue tape, still wearing that little gown. I was so happy and relieved to hold you and so very THANKFUL to GOD for watching over and protecting you. I couldn't say thank you enough. You slept for some time, but when we got home, you were up, running, and jumping! Such a strong little boy. This morning, you're feeling good too, already playing. Again, Thank YOU JESUS. Now we can focus on healing.
I just want to say, I am so very thankful and grateful to have a God that I can put all my trust in, worries in, and KNOW that HE will be there to give me strength and comfort. I am blessed to know Him, to love Him, and to have an unbelievable Faith in Him. Yes, I was nervous and fearful through this, but ultimately, I knew Gavin was in God's hands, and there was NO better place he could be.
And on a side note, baby N was very supportive today, kicking and squirming like crazy :) (17 wks. 3 days).