So the title tells it all...Gavin visited Sea World for the first time yesterday...and yes, he LOVED it! I didn't realize that a 14 month old would recognize these giant creatures of the sea and show excitement, but he did just that. He pointed, squealed, jumped up, leaned forward for a better view, the whole deal. Was it hard on mommy? Yep. It was very hot and there were many places that strollers weren't allowed, so there was me, carrying a 25lb. baby and a 50lb. diaper bag. Sweat. Sweat. Sweat. And throw in a little more sweat. But the smile on his face was more than worth any issues I had with the heat. The trip to Sea World was a belated birthday gift/thank you for babysitting Gavin's cousin Melanie.
This week I had the pleasure of babysitting a 3 year old along with my 14 month old, which was a great experience for me since I'm more than ready to have baby number 2. It definitely is more work, more cleaning, more preparing, but nothing I couldn't handle. And at the end of the week, I still want baby number 2, just as bad as ever.
Miriam, Melanie, myself, and Gavin had a full load this week. We've been shopping too! And let me tell you, be expecting some adorable photo's of Mr. G in the very near future, because I purchased some of the most adorable outfits!!!
But with that said, not much change in this household. Gavin is just 6 days shy of being 15 months old. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. My baby will be 2 years old in the blink of an eye. Then 3, 4, 15, 17, 18 AHHH!!! Don't even go there Lindsay :o).
We have a busy couple of weeks ahead...a wedding in Naples this upcoming weekend, then ANOTHER wedding in KENTUCKY (WHOOP! WHOOP!) the following weekend. I definitely need some KY air in my lungs, some KY scent in my nose, and some KY view in my eyes, haha! I'll try to blog again soon....