Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My Old Kentucky HOME

Monday, July 20, 2009
Monday Blues...time for more shots!
- His weight was 16lbs. 12oz. which puts him in the 90th percentile---yes he's a Big Strong BOY!
- His height is 25 1/4 inches...placing him in the 60th percentile
- His head 16 1/2 inches--don't have a percentile on that one :o).
- He met all of his developmental milestones (ie: responds by laughing, smiling, squealing, sits with support, holds head upright and steady, rolls from front to back, reaches for and holds toys, everything goes to mouth!)
- He has officially been given the "go ahead" to start foods...but we're already on top of that, since he is, after all, 4 months and 2 weeks.
I added a little bit of applesauce to Gavin's oatmeal, but he wasn't too sure about the new taste. I have recently noticed a little bit of a rash on his back, so I'm not going to do sweet potatoes or applesauce again for a week or so (and I will only feed him ONE at a TIME)...hopefully I'll figure out what caused the rash.
And on to the shots, 4 of them to be exact...he screamed a little harder this time and it lasted a little longer (tear). Thank the Lord that he will have no memory of these horrible shots that mommy has to hold his arms down for! But after cuddling and comforting him, he was all better. He is now sleeping like a little angel.
We leave for KY tomorrow...whhhhooooppppeeee!!! It will be Gavin's first time on a plane! Everyone please keep us in your thoughts and say a little prayer for us please!
Happy Monday.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
My Sweet Potato eats sweet potatoes!

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Gavin 18 weeks...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
4 Months on the 4th! (Lots of PICS!)
(That is the downtown Miami skyline, from the balcony of our condo)
- He can roll over from his tummy to his back
- He loves to hear his own voice--he's constantly screaming (in a happy way)
- He smiles 24/7
- He drinks 7 oz. of formula every 4 hours
- He eats oatmeal from a SPOON once a day
- He likes to look at himself in the mirror (he always smiles)
- Some nights he sleeps until 7am, other nights around 4-5 am
- He loves to sleep in bed with mommy and daddy!!! (but only in the mornings)
- He holds his head up very well during "tummy time"
- He's still in a size 2 diaper
- He fills out 3-6 months clothes perfectly!
- He enjoys his "jumparoo"
- He has a toy duckie that he always holds :op
- He is def. a cuddler...loves to be hugged, kissed, and held
- He is beginning to observe everything around him, loves looking at trees when we go for walks
- He enjoys being outside (as long as it's not too hot!)
- He keeps his hands in his mouth and drools a lot---I'm guessing he's teething
- He loves the "abc" song and "the itsy bitsy spider"
- He recognizes his bottle and get's very excited when he see's it (smiling, kicking, etc.)
- And overall, he is a very happy baby that his mommy and daddy adore!!!!!!!
Hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July!
Happy 4 months Baby G!!!!!!! Mommy and daddy love you more than you can ever imagine.