Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ahhh...A day of ***REST***

I'm trying to stay true to what the Word says for today...Sunday's are a day of rest :o). husband is currently upstairs giving the baby a bath, dressing him...taking care of him & freeing up my arms for a little while! And it's so nice. And it's so sweet to watch the two of them together. Nelson is truly in love with him, this morning he was looking at him and said that he just wanted to cry (is that sweet or what?). And he did, he teared up. I'm so happy that even though change comes along with having a baby, Nelson has embraced it with open arms.

Last night was our first outing. We went to have dinner at Texas Roadhouse. I was somewhat worried at first, I was afraid Gavin would cry the entire time and that we would have to cut our dinner short to accomodate him. BUT Gavin was the little angel that I adore. He was quiet at first, just looking around. He began to get a little fussy, so I did something I never saw myself doing...I nursed in the booth at the restaurant! And it was easy, Gavin was content, we were able to eat, have good was needed. Nelson and I spend every waking hour together, have ever since I moved to be with him, but our lives now revolve around this new life, making it difficult to spend "quality" time together. Last night was good.

OH my! Nelson just brought Gavin downstairs...he put gel in his hair :oP. And was just given his very first (of many) mohawks! I love a mohawk on a little boy & I must say my son wears it well. Just adorable! I must share a photo!

So wait I have to post more----

Isn't he just precious???

and last one of the "mo"
***Lindsay and Gav****

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesdays Gone With The Wind

Almost 6:00 now & our day at home minus Nels has almost came to an end... We are outside by the pool now & sweet baby boy is napping on my chest. He likes the sound of the filters on the pool, sounds just like a running fountain. There is a nice breeze, the sky is overcast, and my chime is singing it's song, peaceful moment here, a very needed peaceful moment.

Gavin slept somewhat better today, but he has to be in mommy's arms to do so. I don't get the chance to do alot where my house work is concerned, but I was able to make Nels a sandwich for lunch, do the dishes, and brush my I feel accomplished! (oh! and Gavin got a bath too!!) I'm lucky, Gavin actually loves bathtime, especially getting his hair washed, he gets that from mamma! Nothing better than a nice shampoo with a head massage mixed in!!!

I spoke with the lactation consultant today, she was very encouraging & told me that as long as the baby has gained weight that he is getting enough milk. I explained to her how fussy he gets & how he always seems hungry and she said that @ 2-3 weeks babies go through a growth spurt and they do want to eat more and become a little more irritable. I hope that's the case here!! She said to nurse him as often as he wanted, so it looks like New Jersey and New York officially belong to Gavin (I watched Here on Earth last night for any of you who have seen that movie or don't get the New Jersey/New York comment, lol). BTW...the movie is wonderful, but I don't recommend watching if you are mentally, physically, or emotionally exhausted, aka, you have a's way too depressing!!!

Guess I've typed long enough with my one free hand, sorry if there are typo's!!!

I hope to get some pictures of Mr. Gavin David to post soon....until next time.

Lindsay & baby boy Gav

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My World!

Not Your Typical Newborn!

Finally he naps! Today is the first day in the past 2 days that my little Gavin has slept during the day!!! The last few days, I've been lucky to get him to sleep for more than 2 hours ALL DAY LONG??? I think that somehow I've given birth to a baby that has the brain of a child that is a few months old! Is that possible? I guess not :oP, but if it were that would be the case here.

I'm still trying to adjust to all of these changes, as bad as it sounds, I didn't wash my hair for 3 days (I showered, but the hair...not so much). I am going through facebook withdrawals, I rarely get a chance to eat, and sleep is a word of the past. I've got to get some kind of schedule going here, any suggestions??? Yesterday both Gavin and I had a cry fest, we were both just boo-hooing, lol. I think we're both exhausted! It's really quite funny when I think of it now, but at the time I was stressed to no ends. And last night too...poor Nelson, he almost got knocked out with the "boppy" because I was soooo tired and Gavin wouldn't sleep, somehow the "boppy" went flying across the room and landed on the bed right next to him. So, I have a little problem with dealing with stress sometimes, any more suggestions??? (hehe)

The breastfeeding is going a little better, not quite as painful. Still a little uncomfortable, but thank God it's bearable. As I write this I'm drinking some kind of herbal tea that is "suppose" to help with lactation. I'll keep you posted on that one, keep your fingers crossed.

My little angel is laying next to me, in and out of sleep. Poor thing he had a rough night last I was changing his diaper, he had a little mishap. He started peeing and before I could cover him, it was on his chest, in his face, and his MOUTH. I felt so bad for him, he even coughed a little, like he choked on his very own pee. My poor baby. We got a bath immediately, some good ole' nursing time, and lots of hugs and kisses.

Oh! Gavin is spitting up almost every time he eats, both breast milk and that normal? I guess so. It's a small amount of spit up...guess that's a google-worthy question.

Happy Sunday.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just me and the little fam...

Today is the Nolasco family's first official day in our home all by ourselves. My parents left yesterday morning and I have to say I already miss them!!! I told my mom the day before they left, "it is just too bad that you don't live across the street from me"...and then after a brief pause, I had to rephrase that...."no, it's too bad that I don't live across the street from you!" Guess I'm living in a dream world though!!! They both were a huge help, great company, and I am so thankful that they were able to stay as long as they did; almost 4 weeks!

Nelson and I took Gavin to his 2nd pediatrician appointment yesterday. His weight hasn't changed since last week, he is still at 7lbs. 4oz. And his length is still 20 inches. His head, however, has grown just a weeee bit. At first I was concerned that he hadn't gained any weight, but Dr. Crum reassured me that as long as they were back to their birth weight by week 2 that was great (and he is actually over). She said he was the best baby she had seen all week; the boy is already making his mamma proud :oP!

Today it has been just Gavin and I. He was awake from 9 until 12, which is a lot longer than he usually is. We played with some toys, talked, rocked, and even hummed a few songs during this time. Finally he sleeps. He's laying on the couch just to the left of me right now and will make a grunting sound from time to time (he does that just to let ME know that he is okay, hehe).

I have been so terrible about calling people since Gavin has been born! So, now that everyone is gone, I plan to call my dear sweet friends and family that I have so horribly neglected. But I may take a nap first!

That's all for today. xoxo

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How does this "blog" business work???

So I'm new to the world of blogging, which is very obvious because my page is so darn BLAH! My dear friend Angel inspired me to join, her page looks OUTSTANDING and I plan on bugging her until I figure out how to perfect my own page!

Okay, so...I am a new mom, 13 days new actually. My son, Gavin, was born on March 04 2009 @ 12:20 am. He is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and my husband and I both are so in love with him! I am so thankful that God blessed us with a healthy little boy, what more could you ask for really? The sad family lives in KY, my friends live in KY, I, however, DO NOT. I left my heart in Florida the day I met my husband & in order to get it back and keep it, I left my home sweet home to be with the love of my life. It has definitely been more than worth it, but I won't lie, there are times that I cry, I get angry, I get down, I feel every emotion known to mankind because I miss my home so much. But now I have my own family and I guess it's time to get tough and deal with the fact that I may not be making my way back to my old kentucky home (tear).

And wow! Motherhood, oh! No words describe it! How can you love someone so much? Someone that drains every ounce of energy out of you, who needs constant attention and care, and who is slowly killing me (or my breast I might say). Sorry if that's too much information. But it's TRUE! The pain of breastfeeding is almost unbearable for me! For all of you that read this, please pray that I get stronger and it get's better, PLEASE! It is such a bonding experience, it's time that only my son and I can share together, but the last few days have been very difficult and I hope to overcome this little bump in the breastfeeding road, lol!

So, anyway, I'm doing this blog so that my family and friends can keep up with me and mine (if they choose to), and I hope to get to know more first time and experienced moms that can offer me advice, share stories of their little ones, and maybe even befriend me.

Good news for today-------My baby lost his umbilical cord!!!! I was just speaking to my friend Angel about this earlier today & what do ya 13 and it's off! Whooopeeee! (The things you get excited about when you have a baby, right?)

Time to go check on my little one...he is all bundled up in Nana's arms right now :o).
